Thursday, May 19, 2011

This morning I woke up to rain on my window. Again. Since I've come home to Ohio for the summer the sun has shone twice, maybe three times (at least in shone on my Birthday!). At first I liked it, giving me an excuse to curl up in bed and read for hours on end with a cup of tea. Or try new recipes: Carrot buttermilk muffins, lemon custard cake, banana oatmeal pancakes, or cornmeal cake with strawberries. But day 14 of rain is dreary, and makes for slow business at the ice-cream shop.

I don't work until 5 tonight, and I finished reading Huckleberry Finn for my online class so I have all afternoon to do as I please. I decided to bake cookies, checkerboard cookies. They have to chill for two hours in the refrigerator, so while they do that, I'm going to head to Beans and get some coffee and finish A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I'll post pictures of the cookies tonight after work if I'm awake enough to bake them.
Pictures of the cookies, as promised...I took some to my brother's piano recital this afternoon since they're black and white like piano keys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you've had more sunshine these past few days! We've had rain here (Nebraska) like crazy, too. Those cookies look adorable.